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My Story

Introducing Leonie Laird, originally hailing from Toronto, Canada, born in Jamaica, West Indies. Leonie emerged from the quaint fishing village of Cousins Cove, where encountering a "cousin" every 2 km was a common experience.

Leonie’s journey has been marked by overcoming adversity. Early on, she faced the challenge of being bullied, a silent struggle exacerbated by an abusive home. At 28, Leonie ventured to the United States after getting married, only to find herself in a verbally and physically abusive marriage. By 31, she became a divorced single mother, grappling with financial difficulties and deteriorating health.

For years, Leonie concealed secrets of a failed marriage, bankruptcy, struggles in relationships, and years of enduring church-related pain. Yearning for change she decided it was time to rewrite the chapters of her life. By starting and scaling her own coaching business and becoming a published author. Leonie has gone on to help countless women find their purpose and start their own business.

Leonie Laird Speaks Enterprise is a transformative leadership program dedicated to empowering women. Through effective communication, strategic planning, and amplifying the voices of the voiceless.

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